Business Plan

Meadow Springs ESC staff, supported by our school board, is very proud to present our new School Plan for 2025-2027.

Our new school plan is underpinned by our school vision, which is to create a positive learning environment that promotes success for ALL students and gives every student the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Our School Plan includes programs that will help improve the learning outcomes for all of our students at Meadow Springs ESC.


A culture of self assessment with a clear focus on improvement and collaboration across our school from K – Year 6.
This will be achieved through two key strategies:

1. The National Quality Standard is a national benchmark that covers 7 Quality Areas that support schools to self assess and work towards improvement in each area.

  • Consolidate understanding of each standard through NQS Awards and staff information sessions
  • NQS Learning Community to develop strategies to support improvement across the school
  • Create links between school programs and each NQS standard
  • From the NQS Verification Audit the school will be rated as met in each of the 7 Quality Areas

2. The Positive Behaviour Support Framework is a school wide framework aimed at improving the academic and behavioural outcomes of students.

  • Consistent system established to reward positive behaviours
  • Clear and consistent approach to managing misbehaviour across the school
  • School–wide behaviour expectations are displayed in all classrooms in a consistent format
  • A school wide behaviour matrix is completed


Meadow Springs ESC develops and maintains a strong focus on explicit teaching within a common school wide approach to teaching and learning.
Our curriculum focus areas are English, Maths and Health and Wellbeing.

Success in English

  • Evaluate reading programs and redevelop a whole school approach to reading
  • Maintain and consolidate phonemic & phonological awareness programs
    Consolidate whole school approach to oral language
  • Continue to monitor the use and need for AAC particularly with new students
  • Information sessions and professional learning for parents of students with Complex Communication Needs
  • Professional learning and training for all staff in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
  • Target students in Years 1-6 make progress on the Diana Rigg PLD Literacy Screen annually
  • A whole school approach to reading is re-established
  • All students with Complex Communication Needs who need a PODD (Pragmatically Organised Dynamic Display) book have one by the end of Semester 1

Success in Maths

  • Develop a whole school approach to the teaching of Maths
  • Implementation of the Maths Assessment Tool in Number
  • Maths Number scope and sequence to be extended at the lower end to include Abilities Based Learning Education Western Australia (ABLEWA)
  • Maths Number Scope and Sequence to be extended past Year3
  • Plans in place to develop the Measurement & Geometry Maths Assessment Tool
  • Students in Years 1-6 to make progress in Numeration based on the Mathematics Assessment Tool
  • Implementation of the Maths Assessment Tool in Number for all students in Years 1-6

Success in Health & Wellbeing

  • Staff training in the Student Health and Wellbeing Profile document
  • All new staff complete School Drug Education Road Aware training
    Professional learning provided for all staff in ‘You Can Do It’
  • Scope and Sequence is developed for ‘You Can Do It’ Implementation
  • MSESC to lead and expand the sustainable enterprise projects through the cluster buddy initiative
  • Partnerships with local businesses to support our sustainable projects
  • Protective Behaviours professional learning for all staff
  • Update our Protective Behaviours brochure to cover all aspects of Protective Behaviours
  • MSESC is recognised as a School Drug Education Road Aware champion school
  • The ‘You Can Do It’ Audit tool is used to measure school progress annually
  • All ESC classes involved in sustainability
  • Student learning in SDERA and Protective Behaviours curriculum is tracked annually using the Student Health and Wellbeing Profile document

Success within our Autism Early Intervention Program


Meadow Springs ESC has an Autism Early Intensive Intervention Program for students in Kindy and Pre Primary who have Autism. The program has targeted funding to support students, who with intensive support, will be able to attend mainstream Year 1 with minimal support.

  • Maintain strong links with parents through the provision of professional learning
  • Introduction of the Zones of Regulation program for all students
  • Provide greater opportunities for generalisation in teaching programs
  • Review and update phonics programs to support student learning
  • Develop professional learning networks and provide further opportunities for staff training
  • Maintain 4-6 Kindy students annually
  • Pre Primary students make progress based on the Performance Indicators Primary Schools (PIPS) assessment tool


Develop a school wide culture that promotes positive mental health and wellbeing for everyone including students, staff and parents.

  • Develop a Mental Health and Wellbeing Action Team
  • The action team to complete training in the ‘Be You’ mental health project
  • All staff to receive training in each component of the Be You program
  • School based implementation of strategies to support students with mental health and wellbeing
  • School based implementation of strategies to support staff mental health and wellbeing
  • All permanent staff are trained in Team Teach which supports a positive approach to behaviour management
Performance Indicators
  • Progress on the Be You Reflection survey annually


Meadow Springs ESC values our community partnerships and works hard to maintain positive relationships that benefit all stakeholders. Key partners include parents, therapists, autism networks/ diagnostic professionals and our partner school Meadow Springs Primary School.

  • Develop External Provider Agreements with all therapists
  • Increase our understanding of National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) processes to support families
  • Include therapists in reviews / case conferences for students
  • The School Readiness Program is established in 2019
  • National School Opinion Surveys completed by 60% of parents in 2020
  • 80% of all parents attend the Student Review Meetings each semester
  • Increased opportunities for parents to be involved in the school
  • Provide a range of opportunities to share school program information at a class / whole school level
  • Parent Information sessions and workshops on key topics
  • Establish a School Readiness Program for Pre Kindy children
Autism Network
  • Provide information to autism specific professional / medical agencies
  • Targeted marketing within schools and to external agencies
  • Professional networks and training for staff