Autism Early Intervention Program

At Meadow Springs ESC, we are proud and privileged to offer the Autism Early Intervention Program. Fully funded by the Department of Education, this program incorporates a range of teaching strategies which are based on the principles of Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA).

Within this structure, each student’s individualised program specifically targets the teaching and development of communication skills, social skills, fine motor skills and play skills as well pre requisite academic skills for inclusion in a mainstream learning environment.

Instructional time is divided between one to one instructional time (one adult to one student), independent work stations and group programs.


The Early Intervention Program is open to Kindergarten and Pre Primary students who have a diagnosis of Autism and meet program specific eligibility requirements. A maximum of 6 Pre Primary and 6 Kindergarten students each year are accepted into the program each year, which is matched with a one to one staffing ratio. Kindergarten students attend the Early Intervention Program for 5 full days per fortnight, while Pre Primary students attend the Early Intervention Program 2 days per week and their local public mainstream school for the remaining 3 days per week.